They don't taste exactly like the real thing. Don't expect them to!
I try to avoid highly processed meat substitutes as much as possible. Tofu and Tempeh are fine to cook with. I try to limit my tofu intake due to the high phytoestrogens that it contains. For women that are going through menopause or are post-menopausal, the phytoestrogens in tofu and soy can help replenish the lack of estrogen that occurs during menopause. Always be careful when buying tofu or any other soy based product that it isn't made from soy beans containing GMOs (genetically modified organisms aka genetically engineered). Stick with things that say "GMO Free" or "Certified Organic." You can't go wrong with these products.
My favorite food substitutes are:
Soy Chorizo (Trader Joe's brand)
Mozzarella Shreds (Trader Joe's brand)
Daiya substitute cheese (found at Whole Foods and Sprouts)
I use these items sparingly, but when I need cheese or something a little "meaty" this is what I choose.
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