Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Often times, less is more

Most acupuncture points have multiple treatment properties. This means that a point in your shoulder (LI-15 Jian Yu) can treat the pain in your shoulder, but it can also treat pain in your wrist, symptoms from arthritis pain, or treat Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. A point like Spleen-6 (San Yin Jiao) is great at treating a plethora of symptoms and more importantly it can often fix the root cause that is producing the symptoms in the first place. It is points like Spleen-6, among others, that can be utilized to develop a treatment that will use fewer needles but still get the same great results. Not every practitioner has the same philosophy as me, that less equals more, but if I can put fewer needles in a patient and still see an improvement in their condition, then I feel like it is a winning situation for everyone.

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