Tuesday, April 15, 2014

On My Radar: April 2014

I spend some time each week reading articles either for the pure sake of learning or for entertainment. This blog is mainly dedicated to veganism and Traditional Oriental Medicine, but I find other topics to be relevant for this blog as well. In my efforts to educate myself to become the best health practitioner I can be, an integral part of healing is educating my patients and community. 

This monthly blog series will consist of news stories and articles regarding things that are "On My Radar."

How Qi Gong Can Help Treat Insomnia
Here is an article that describes, yet another Chinese Medicine modality, Qi Gong and how it can help a very common condition...insomnia. Coming in October 2014, Hong Kong University will be conducting an experiment on 300 insomnia sufferers to scientifically determine the effectiveness of Qi Gong on insomnia. I am excited to see Qi Gong's influence expanding around the world.

How Sugar Affects the Brain
This is a fascinating and easy to understand video of how sugar affects our brains. I believe that natural sugars that are found in raw foods are good for us...our brains need glucose (sugar). But I do not believe that processed sugar and sugar substitutes are beneficial for our bodies or brains at all.

Heartwarming Video About Animals and Love
I loved this video about a young boy in the Philippines who uses his precious resources to help some stray dogs.  

Plant These Flowers to Help Save Bees
We are learning that the bee population is dramatically dwindling due to some unidentified cause (or so they tell us it's unidentified). If you want to help fight bee death, plant some of these awesome plants and flowers to help save the bees.

Too Much Gas After Eating Fiber-Rich Foods?
Check out this post from one of my favorite websites to get answers about bloating and gas after eating fruits, veggies, or beans. It has a few good tips on how to reduce gas and bloating. 

Organic Food Co. Acquisitions
If you're trying to avoid fueling the pockets of food giants like General Mills and PepsiCo, take a look at this info-graphic to see which organic food companies are now owned by the big dogs. At least these big companies are expanding their market to include organic brands...what do you think, is this good or bad?

Where Does Protein Come From?
This info-graphic shows the many ways vegans and vegetarians can get quality protein without eating meat, eggs, or dairy.

Guide to Avoiding GMOs
Use this awesome guide (and website) to aid in your avoidance of GMOs. The Environmental Working Group's website has some stellar information about food and everyday products we use and their toxicity to ourselves and our environment.

The Borrowing Shop
This is a really cool idea about borrowing and trading items in the community so you don't always have to go out and buy something that you'll only use once. I hope we can start implementing these borrowing shops here in the states.

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